final fantasy


the elder scrolls

rhela moshroca

she/her. miqo'te. alchemist/botanist/machinist/red mage.


ayleth wilder


she/her. hyur. culinarian/viper/summoner.

delphine seydoux-olivier

she/her. elezen. reaper/black mage/dancer.


mana oshiga

she/her. au ra. pictomancer/samurai/ninja.



cataloger jessamine keates

she/her. worgen. guardian / balance druid.

Born into Gilnean nobility, Jessamine spent most of her early life in lavish splendor, sheltered decadence, and unstimulated boredom. Her days were spent studying art, visiting posh teahouses, hobnobbing as a socialite, and losing herself in tales of adventure and romance, all while dreaming of what lay beyond Greymane’s Wall.After she was forced to flee her ravaged homeland, those dreams of excitement and adventure, once far out of reach, quickly became a reality. The Worgen affliction amplified the feeble flicker of magic she had inherited from her mother, a Harvest Witch, and quickly blossomed into powerful Druidic magic. Eager to learn more and make sense of these new abilities, she sought the guidance of the Cenarion Circle.After joining their ranks, Jessamine devoted herself to honing this magic. Additionally, she worked to understand and assist with maintaining balance in the natural world. She has worked for the Cenarion Circle as an ecologist, traveling the length and breadth of Azeroth to study the relationships between living creatures and their environments. She has also developed a strong interest in photography and frequently uses it to document and catalog her ecological endeavors.


riftwalker caeliya dawnshard

she/her. ren'dorei. windwalker / brewmaster monk.


inquisitor haelsey sutherland

she/her. kul tiran human. frostfire sorceress.

esraleth ambergove

she/her. sin'dorei. sunfury arcane mage.

herbalist / botanist
former magistrix
cat lady
big time girly girl

nathrie hollowheart

she/her. sin'dorei. blood / frost death knight.

In life, Nathrie was a gentle and meek priestess of the Light, far more comfortable in temples, libraries, and archives than on the battlefield. That shifted quickly after her death during the Scourge of Quel’thalas and subsequent resurrection by the Lich King.After she and her fellow Death Knights were released from Arthas' control, she was shunned by her incredibly devout and religious family. Lost and adrift, she eventually found renewed purpose and comfort in her work as a Knight of the Ebon Blade. A student of history and collector of old books, documents, and maps, she continued her work as a scribe and an archivist.Although she mostly wanders Azeroth collecting rare tomes and documents for the archives and libraries in Acherus with only her undead raven Noor as company, she will occasionally accompany her fellow knights as a field scribe to catalog great battles, record important events, and document matters of importance. In order to sate her hunger, she frequently takes work as a mercenary to sate the neverending bloodthirst that accompanies undeath.



she/her. farraki troll. shadow priest.

witch doctor
scavenger / forager
traveling trader
jani's favored


weaver viridiene

she/her. dracthyr. devastation/augmentation evoker.


meredith reade

she/her. kul tiran human. tidesage.

Born to a seamstress and a sailor in the impoverished Dampwick Ward of Boralus, it was expected that Meredith would endure an unremarkable life of hardship and destitution, just as her parents and siblings had. However, when she was roughly six years old, it was discovered that she had a most auspicious gift - the ability to hear the gentle whispers of the Tidemother.Once she was removed from her family and ferried away to Sagehold, her ability to speak to the sea was honed and refined. After several years of communing with the ocean, harnessing the raw power of the tides, and learning to understand the will of the sea, she was inducted into the Order of the Wavespeakers.After the events in Stormsong Valley, her faith was shaken and Meredith elected to step away in order to broaden her horizons and reevaluate her connection to the Tidemother. While on this pilgrimage she has kept busy exploring lands outside of Kul Tiras, reading the waters, and making use of her abilities as a Tidesage to aid others. She is eager to offer help by guiding fishermen to better waters, assisting with navigation, blessing seafaring vessels, or ushering the dead into the depths.


avrusa orethi

she/her. dunmer. nightblade.


margaux frey

she/her. breton. arcanist.

Born into the nest of vipers known as House Frey of Daggerfall, Margaux was raised to believe that little mattered beyond monetary wealth, political power, and social influence. Despite the vapid teachings and expectations of her parents, Margaux’s interests diverged sharply from the superficial pursuits of her family. While her parents socialized, schemed for political advantage, and continued to clamor for power, she sought refuge in the dusty tomes of her family’s grand library and the dense, scholarly writings on the Dwemer became not just a source of intrigue, but of comfort. It was here, tucked away among the towering shelves and stacks of books, that Margaux developed an insatiable desire not just to learn, but to know.However, Margaux couldn’t escape her parents’ machinations for long. After her parents arranged for her to marry the son of another influential house, Margaux made a daring and impulsive decision - shortly before she was to be wed, she carefully orchestrated her own death and fled to Skyrim. In the city of Solitude, she discovered the Antiquarian’s Guild. After joining their ranks, she was able to throw herself into her scholarly pursuits with no restrictions and a surprising, but not unwelcome, amount of support. Her thirst for knowledge led her on expeditions across Skyrim and beyond as she eagerly worked to unravel the mysteries and secrets of the Dwemer.Her work captured more than the attention of her fellow antiquarians, though. During an expedition to Blackreach, Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of knowledge and fate, made himself known to her. Much to Margaux's surprise, he was eager to strike a bargain. The offer was simple - in exchange for her unwavering service as his agent in the mortal realm, she would be granted access to forbidden knowledge and the secrets of the cosmos. Hungry for unlimited wisdom and eager for a taste of the strength he offered, Margaux readily accepted this pact.



she/her. maormer. sorceress.

about me

roleplay availability: 🚫

you can call me ames or by any of my character names. I'm in my 30s. happily married cat lady irl. she/her, please. this page is mostly finished, but is still being tweaked and polished.anyway. yes, I know. it's a lot of characters. i like making a bunch of little guys, it's fun! i don't really do much actual RP anymore, but i always love chatting about characters and making connections!


✔️ adventure / exploration
✔️ supernatural / horror
✔️ drama
✔️ some / moderate combat
✔️ training / mentoring
✔️ traveling
✔️ slice of life
✔️ humor


🟡 significant violence and/or conflict
🟡 lore-bending
🟡 Warrior of Light / Vestige / champion of azeroth / etc.
🟡 injury or trauma
🟡 pre-established connections
🟡 romance / shipping
🟡 dark / mature themes


❌ Underage Characters / underage players
❌ godmodding / metagaming
❌ excessive lore-bending
❌ rape / sexual assault
❌ extreme / aggressive prejudices
❌ ableism / ableist language
❌ homophobia
❌ transphobia / transphobic language
❌ character death / excessive injury